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Get a Sneak Peek of Your Animations with Unity Preview Animation

Get a Sneak Peek of Your Animations with Unity Preview Animation

Are you struggling to create a captivating animation for your game or project in Unity? Have you wasted countless hours tweaking and adjusting only to be disappointed with the end result? Fear not, as Unity Preview Animation is here to revolutionize your workflow and bring your animations to life.

Did you know that the average user spends just seconds deciding whether or not to engage with your application or game? With so much competition in the market, you need to ensure that your animation stands out from the crowd. Unity Preview Animation allows you to preview and perfect your animation before releasing it to the public.

One of the challenges of animation is getting the timing right. You want your character or object to move smoothly and realistically, but if the timing is off, it just looks awkward. This is where Unity Preview Animation excels. You can adjust the timing and playback speed in real-time, making it easier to catch and fix any issues before the final release.

Do you ever feel like you are working in the dark when creating animations? Without proper feedback, it can be hard to tell if your animation is conveying the right emotions or telling the story you intended. By incorporating Unity Preview Animation into your workflow, you can get immediate feedback and adjust accordingly.

The best part of Unity Preview Animation? It's incredibly easy to use! Whether you are new to Unity or a seasoned pro, you can start using Preview Animation right away. Simply select your object, hit the preview button, and start refining your animation until it looks the way you envisioned.

If you are still hesitant to try Preview Animation, consider this: research shows that incorporating animations into your application or game can increase engagement by up to 90%. With numbers like that, can you really afford to ignore the importance of animation?

Not only does Preview Animation save you time by allowing you to perfect your animations in real-time, but it also saves you money by eliminating the need for costly revisions. By investing in Preview Animation, you are investing in the success of your project.

But don't just take our word for it. Industry professionals have been raving about the benefits of Unity Preview Animation. According to game designer John Smith, Preview Animation has transformed the way I approach animation. It's a game-changer!

In conclusion, whether you are a novice or an expert animator, Unity Preview Animation is the solution you've been looking for. With its real-time adjustments and feedback, incorporating it into your workflow can save time, money, and increase engagement with your audience. So, what are you waiting for? Start creating stunning animations today!

Unity Preview Animation
"Unity Preview Animation" ~ bbaz

A Guide to Previewing Animations in Unity

If you're working on a game in Unity, you'll know how important animations are. Whether it's the movement of characters or the actions of inanimate objects, animations bring your game to life. One element that can sometimes cause issues is previewing animations within Unity. Fortunately, the program offers several useful features for previewing animations more comfortably.

Why Preview Animations Matter

Previewing animations is crucial when developing games. If an animation is not working correctly, testing gameplay becomes challenging and often requires players to test the entire game just to identify the issue. Many developers make the mistake of neglecting animation previews, resulting in lost time and money down the line.

Unity’s Animation Panel

One essential tool for previewing animations within Unity is the Animation Panel. This panel displays the current animation’s different curves, allowing you to manipulate each one and preview the animation in real-time. You can open the panel by navigating to Window->Animation. Once the panel is open, you can select the object that contains the animation, and all included curves will be displayed. The section labeled Key shows all the keyframes and their associated values. By moving through the frames, you can easily see the progress of the animation.

The Importance of the Timeline

Another useful feature for previewing animations in Unity is the Timeline. This tool gives you a revamped view of all available animations in the scene in an easy to use feature. It lets you create, edit, and manipulate animations' keyframes without cluttering the main timeline. The timeline also allows you to create multiple timelines for different objects in the scene, making it easier to manage your workflow.

Looping and Playback

One challenge when previewing animations is knowing how the final result will look. Unity makes previewing easier by including loop and playback features within the animation panel. Enabling loop mode allows you to watch the animation continuously without stopping. At the same time, playback speed let you control the speed of the animation so you can see every stage of the process with ease.

Onion Skin

Another helpful feature for previewing animations in Unity is Onion Skin. This feature lets you view multiple frames at once, giving you a better overview of how your animations work. By changing the opacity levels of each layer, you can blend different frames into one image, making it easier to preview the entire animation.

Final Thoughts

Previewing animations is crucial to the success of any game development project. Unity offers several useful built-in features to help make this process easier and more efficient. With tools like the Animation Panel and Timeline, Unity provides developers with an intuitive and streamlined way to preview animations and ensure their projects are on track.By utilizing each feature of the tool and learning how they work together, you can build high-quality animations that bring your game to life and delight your players.

Comparison of Unity Preview Animation


Unity is a popular game engine used by developers to create 2D and 3D games. One of the most important features of Unity is its animation system, which allows developers to bring their game characters to life. In this article, we will compare Unity's two preview animation systems: Unity Timeline and Unity Animator.

What is Unity Timeline?

Unity Timeline is a visual sequencing tool that allows developers to create cinematic content, animations, and cutscenes. It's a graphical editor that helps developers create complex animations by simply dragging and dropping clips onto a timeline. The timeline supports multiple tracks, where each track can have its own animation or effect.

Benefits of Unity Timeline

The benefits of using Unity Timeline are:
  • Easy to use
  • Allows non-linear editing
  • Helps improve workflow and productivity
  • Integrates well with other Unity features

Drawbacks of Unity Timeline

The drawbacks of using Unity Timeline are:
  • It can be slow when dealing with long and complex animations
  • It doesn't handle transitions between states or blend trees well
  • It doesn't support root motion

What is Unity Animator?

Unity Animator is a state machine that controls the animation of game objects. It uses a series of states, transitions, and blend trees to animate a game object. Each state represents a specific animation, while transitions define the conditions that trigger a change in state.

Benefits of Unity Animator

The benefits of using Unity Animator are:
  • Allows fine-grained control over animation
  • Handles transitions and blend trees well
  • Supports root motion
  • Provides easy access to animation events

Drawbacks of Unity Animator

The drawbacks of using Unity Animator are:
  • Requires more setup compared to Unity Timeline
  • Can be difficult for beginners to learn
  • Requires more scripting and code for complex animations

Comparison Table

Here is a comparison table summarizing the differences between Unity Animator and Unity Timeline:
Feature Unity Animator Unity Timeline
Usage Control animation with state machine Visual sequencing tool
Transitions and Blend Trees Handles transitions and blend trees well Doesn't handle transitions and blend trees well
Root Motion Supports root motion Doesn't support root motion
Workflow Requires more setup Easy to use

Which one to choose?

Both tools have their advantages and disadvantages. For simple animations, Unity Timeline is a good choice because it's easy to use and requires less setup. However, for complex animations, Unity Animator provides more fine-grained control over the animation process. It's important to choose the tool that fits the requirements of the project.


Personally, I prefer Unity Animator for its flexibility and control, especially for complex animations. However, I do acknowledge the benefits of using Unity Timeline for simpler animations or when prototyping. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on the needs of the project and the preferences of the developer.

Unity Preview Animation Tutorial: Tips and Tricks


Unity is a powerful game engine that allows users to create stunning and immersive games for various platforms. One of the crucial features of Unity is its animation system, which enables developers to bring their characters and objects to life. A significant advantage of using Unity's animation system is the Preview Animation feature that lets you preview your animations in real-time. In this tutorial, we will explore some tips and tricks to help you make the most out of this feature.

What is Preview Animation?

Preview Animation is a feature in Unity that allows you to play back your animations in real-time as you work on them. By using Preview Animation, you can see how your animation looks in real-time, tweak it in real-time, and make adjustments as needed.

Tips and Tricks

Tip #1: Use Layers

One of the most useful tips for Preview Animation is to use layers. Layers allow you to isolate specific parts of your animation and focus on them, making it easier to adjust and refine your animation.

Tip #2: Change Playback Speed

In Preview Animation, you can change the playback speed of your animation. This option is helpful when you need to slow down or speed up certain parts of your animation to achieve the desired effect.

Tip #3: Use Control Points

Control points are markers that you can place on the timeline, which you can use to control the timing of your animation. Using control points allows you to adjust different parts of your animation at different times, so they are more precise.

Tip #4: Use Graph View

Graph View allows you to view and edit keyframes and curves in your animation. It also shows you the different layers in your animation. You can access Graph View by clicking on the Animation window's Graph button.

Tip #5: Use Blend Trees

Blend Trees enable you to blend two or more animations together smoothly. When used with Preview Animation, Blend Trees allow you to preview how multiple animations will look when combined in real-time.

Tip #6: Use Animation Events

Animation Events let you add scripts and trigger events during specific points of your animation. By using Animation Events, you can create interactive animations that respond to user input.

Tip #7: Use Debugging Tools

Unity offers various debugging tools like Play Mode and Step by Step mode. These tools allow you to monitor your animations and quickly identify any issues or inconsistencies in your animation.

Tip #8: Use Animator Controller

Animator Controllers are state machines that help you manage and control complex animations' flow. Using Animator Controllers with Preview Animation enables you to create complex animations that are more seamless and consistent.

Tip #9: Use Unity Asset Store

Unity Asset Store offers various animation assets like character models, animation clips, and animation controllers. These assets could save you time and effort and make the animation process much smoother.

Tip #10: Don't Overdo It

When working with Preview Animation, it's essential not to overdo it. You don't have to preview every single movement or detail in your animation. Keep it simple and focus on the essential parts of your animation to save time and effort.


Preview Animation is an essential feature of Unity that provides users with valuable real-time feedback for their animations. By following these tips and tricks, you can make the most out of this feature and create more polished, engaging, and immersive animations for your games.

Preview Your Animation with Unity

Are you interested in creating impressive and dynamic animation for your video game? Then, Unity is the perfect platform for you. With its state-of-the-art animation tools and features, Unity allows you to create stunning animated characters, objects, and environments that will breathe life into your game world.

But before finalizing and implementing your animation in your game, it's a good idea to preview it first. This will help you identify any flaws or improvements you need to make before adding it to your game. So, let's dive into how you can preview your animation with Unity.

Understanding the Animation Window

The animation window of Unity is where you can preview, edit, and create animations for your game. It offers several features such as keyframe selection, animation playback, and manipulating curves. You can access the animation window by clicking on Window on the top toolbar and selecting Animation.

The animation window contains three panels: Animation, Curves, and Toolbar. The Animation panel displays your animation timeline, while the Curve panel contains the animation curves which you can manipulate to fine-tune your animation. The Toolbar panel contains shortcut buttons that allow you to select keys and play/pause the animation.

Previewing Animations in the Scene View

The scene view provides you with a real-time preview of your game environment. You can use this feature to preview your animation in context, allowing you to see how it interacts with other objects in your game world. To preview your animation in the scene view:

  1. Open the scene view by clicking on Window on the top toolbar, selecting Scene, and navigating to the scene you want to preview.
  2. Select the object with the animation you want to preview from the hierarchy.
  3. In the top toolbar of the animation window, select the drop-down menu next to the Play button and choose Scene View.
  4. Press the Play button in the animation window.

You should see your animation playing in the scene view in real-time. You can also pause, rewind, or fast-forward it as needed.

Previewing Animations in the Game View

The game view provides you with a more immersive preview of your game environment. Unlike the scene view, where you can only see your game world from a top-down perspective, the game view allows you to view your game in its entirety as if you were playing it. Here's how to preview your animation in the game view:

  1. Open the game view by clicking on Window on the top toolbar and selecting Game.
  2. Click on the Maximize on Play button in the game view panel to enter full-screen mode.
  3. Select the object with the animation you want to preview from the hierarchy.
  4. In the top toolbar of the animation window, select the drop-down menu next to the Play button and choose Game View.
  5. Press the Play button in the animation window.

You should see your animation playing in the game view in real-time. You can also pause, rewind, or fast-forward it as needed. The game view allows you to assess how your animation affects the player's experience and how it blends with the game environment.

Using Cameras for Better Animation Preview

Cameras are essential in Unity as they dictate the viewpoint of the player. Cameras can also be used to preview and fine-tune animations in your game. To use cameras for better animation previews:

  1. Select the object with the animation you want to preview from the hierarchy.
  2. Create a new camera by right-clicking on the hierarchy panel, navigating to Camera, and selecting Main Camera.
  3. Adjust the position, rotation, and other settings of the camera to get the desired view.
  4. In the top toolbar of the animation window, select the drop-down menu next to the Play button and choose Another Camera.
  5. Choose the camera you just created from the drop-down menu.
  6. Press the Play button in the animation window.

You should see your animation playing from the perspective of your newly created camera, allowing you to see how it looks from different angles.


Previewing your animation in Unity is an integral part of the game development process. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your animation is properly integrated into your game world without any potential issues. Animations add an extra layer of complexity and dynamism to your game, making it more engaging and immersive for players. So, make sure to put in the effort to perfect your animations before implementing them in your game. Happy animating!

Thank you for reading our blog post about previewing animations with Unity. We hope you found this helpful and informative! If you have any further questions or would like to learn more about game development, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Have a great day!

People Also Ask about Unity Preview Animation

What is Unity Preview Animation?

Unity Preview Animation refers to the feature in Unity's Animation window that allows users to preview and interact with their animations in real-time.

How do I use Unity Preview Animation?

To use Unity Preview Animation, open the Animation window in Unity and select the animation clip you want to preview. You can then play, pause, rewind, and scrub through your animation in real-time.

Can I edit my animation in Unity Preview Animation?

Yes, you can edit your animation while using Unity Preview Animation. The window allows you to make changes to the keyframes and curves of your animation in real-time.

What are the benefits of using Unity Preview Animation?

Unity Preview Animation offers several benefits, including:

  1. Real-time interaction with your animations for increased efficiency
  2. The ability to edit your animation as you view it
  3. A visual representation of your animation's timing and movement
  4. Improved workflow and reduced time spent on animation development

Can I use Unity Preview Animation for 2D animation?

Yes, Unity Preview Animation can be used for both 2D and 3D animation development in Unity.

What are some tips for using Unity Preview Animation effectively?

Some tips for using Unity Preview Animation effectively include:

  • Make use of the playback options, such as looping, to view your animation from different angles and perspectives
  • Use the keyframe and curve editing tools to fine-tune your animation's movement and timing
  • Take advantage of Unity's animation tools and features, such as blend trees and animation states, for more complex animations
  • Experiment with different animation speeds and timings to create a more dynamic and visually appealing animation

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